Sexy Giantess

Giantesses will completely consume you!

When this giantess noticed that this guy did not know who she really was, she felt that she had to show him because he was going overboard. He was messing with her and not even repeated warnings to him worked. So she shrunk him into a little man and she swallowed him. As he choked in there, he wished he had never done it. She shit him out and that is how he learned never to ignore any warnings.

These tiny soldiers had been sent to deal with mistress Julia but when they got to where they had been sent, they peed their pants and trembled in fear as she came out to confront them. She stood towering over them being the giantess that she was and they could not do anything. They tried to run away but could not and had to try and beg her to forgive them.

This sexy giantess loves to degrade and that is what she was up to today. She was bored out of her mind and that is why she found it easy to do it. She did not need an invitation to do it. This guy happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time and she took advantage of that to dominate and shrink him into a tiny man and vacuum him for fun.

Mistress Rissa felt that this con needed to be punished and so she used her sexy giantess fetish to deal with him. The mistress had to dominate as well as humiliate him and she smothered him with her ass before she transformed him back to his normal self. He was shaking like a leaf and he begged her not to shrink her again. He never pissed her off again after that.

Goddess Nika knows how to take advantage of a guy and she did so to this loser. She knew this little man was stubborn and the only way to tame him and get him to learn his lesson was to punish him by smothering him into a tiny man with her bare feet. The mistress watched as he peed his pants when she dominated him and she knew he had learned the lesson she wanted him to learn.

Mistress Ivet sat down and came up with a plan to punish this guy and teach him a lesson he had never been taught before. The mistress felt that using her giantess powers was the best way out so she shrunk the guy into a tiny man and she enjoyed how scared shitless he was. He tried his best to plead with her to stop but she did not. She would stop when she wanted.

Mistress Julia had beef with this loser and she was advised to teach him a lesson as he would keep disrespecting her for a long time. The mistress agreed and she used her giantess powers to torture him. He was turned into a little man and she put him in her pussy where he nearly choked as he could not breathe properly while in there. She got him out just in time and laughed at him.

This mistress was minding her own business when this guy came to disturb her. She politely told him off not once but twice but he did not want to take no for an answer. He was getting on her nerves and she told him as much but he still did not want to listen and do what she asked him. So she stood up and she crushed him into a tiny man and she put him in her mouth for a little crushing. He wished he had listened.

Mistress Zephy had to project strength to this loser because he was undermining her. She had to make sure that he learned never to undermine her and to always listen to and obey her. She made sure that it was all worth it and that is why she chose to degrade and humiliate him like never before. She trampled and crushed him with her sexy giantess powers and made him a tiny man.

Mistress Chloe is a sexy giantess but when she is pissed, he turns into an angry and mad giantess, which is what she was today. She used her boots to stomp on this loser and dominate him as cruelly as she could and turned him into a little man. He was scared shitless and that is how he learned not to piss her off as there was no telling what she could do.

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