Sexy Giantess

Giantesses will completely consume you!

This giantess was in an angry mood, and felt like smashing something against the wall and crushing it. And the first thing that she lay her hands on was the tiny man toy which belonged to her nephew. She picked it up and smashed it against the wall. She then crushed it against her giant feet and flattened it. After she was done with it, no one was able to recognize it.

Mistress Gloria is hard at work when she looks down and notices an ant crawling by. She looks closer and sees that it is really a tiny shrunken person. She gets on the floor and looks close and she sees an entire tiny city built on her floor. She gets mad and takes her giant high heels and uses them to crush and destroy the entire city and all of the tiny people living in it.

Katelyn has a guy friend over from school and she has noticed that he has been checking out her sexy feet all day and she knows that he loves them. She tells him she can really get him off and shrinks him down to the size of an ant and puts him on the floor. She puts her bare foot above him and pretends to stomp on him. She then uses her foot to roll him around and feels something wet and sticky and thought he came. Turns out she squashed him!

Mistress Gloria was working hard when she dropped her pen and when she went to look for it she noticed a tiny person. She took out her magnifying glass and realized they were little bug like people. She picked one up with a tweezers and accidentally squashed it. Then she discovers these tiny people have an entire city in her office so she takes her sharp high heels and crushes the entire city and kills all the tiny people.

Mistress Gloria has come home after a long day at school and throws her backpack to the ground. She does not know that her boyfriend and his friend have been shrunken to a tiny size and are trying to get her attention. She almost squashes her boyfriend with her bag and she sticks her fingers in the sugar and gets his friend on her fingers and then shakes him off to the floor and almost kills him.

Deeane and Gloria awake to hear thunder booming and then suddenly they grow into giants. They looks down and see that they can crush their houses with their bare feet and start to destroy everything. They see the people running from them and they look like tiny ants so they stomp and destroy them too. These sexy mistresses do not stop and then suddenly grow as large as skyscrapers and destroy everything in their paths.

Katelyn and Daisy are hanging out at home when one of the hottest guys at the school calls them and promises to take them to the mall if they burp for him. They think he is jerking off on the other end but do not care and afterwards he never shows up to take them to the mall. They invite him over and shrink him and then play with him almost stomping him and scaring him. Finally they put him into a banana and eat it until they eat him too!

Mistress Deeane has come home after a long day and finds the house a mess from her son and his friends. They are no where to be seen so she gets made and slams her purse down. Little does she know that they are all shrunken and she dropped her purse on one of them. She then sits down and throws her shoes on her son. She gets up later and smacks on flat because she thought it was a bug. One by one she squashes all of her sons tiny friends without even knowing it!

This is big amazon Queen Deeana is a awesome cock smashing woman who loves to put me down and step on my tiny cock. I'm a freaky kind of guy who likes big woman I think about her even when I'm not with her. She is my keeper and I love to be humiliated by her and really like to jack off to her big feet. I also like the way she steps on my cock it drives me cum crazy.

When Deeane needs some comfort, she goes to her boyfriend's house. She didn't know that he had himself shrunken for a day just to play with her. She didn't see him and goes into his room to strip and wait for him. When she wasn't looking, he climbed into her panties to get closer to her delicious pussy. After waiting for him, she put her panties back on without thinking. She had a pleasant surprise waiting.

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