Sexy Giantess

Giantesses will completely consume you!

All articles tagged with "Little Man"

Demon kitty Giantess Katelyn has finally awoken from her nap and can't wait to play with her prey. They've tried to escape but it's no use. She finds one of them quickly. Kitty is hungry and can't wait to eat the tiny man. She licks him all over to find out what he taste like. Once she realizes that he tastes good it's time to swallow him in one gulp.

Miss Taylor loves to crush. It is the one thing that turns her on. When this guy messed up with her, she crushed him and it turned her on

Suzanne likes to crush little men. She took this tiny one and threatened to swallow it, then drowned it in her drink before crushing it in with her heels and threatening to drown it in her pussy

Nikki likes to trample, torture and crush with her bare feet. She likes to crush things and make them shrink. That way she feels big and powerful

When Lisa L is angry, she takes it out on her tiny slave's cage. She doesn't like it when he doesn't finish his little slave chores. As soon as she sees that he hasn't finished, she puts him into his little cage. She steps on and kicks over the cage. She doesn't want to hurt him but she has to punish him and she knows that kicking and stomping his cage scares him tremendously.

Giantess Katelyn knows her slave doesn't like to be moved and taken to great heights. When he decides that he isn't going to do what she told him, she decides to punish him while having a meal. She is straps him to the handle of her spoon. She is happy to eat her pasta and listen to him scream and beg for mercy. She doesn't want to hear it and refuses to let him down from her spoon as she considers eating dessert.

This time round, this mistress wanted to make sure that the little man was crushed forever. So she put the tiny man in her mouth and then crushed it with her teeth till it was no more

Lisa Jordan is a sexy mistress who likes crushing things with her hands and her bare feet. She enjoys pretending that they are her shrunken boyfriend and then hurls abuses at them before crushing them and destroying them completely

Giantess Deeane was fed up with her tiny little man. So she crushed him under her boots. The crush was so hard that she could not trace the tiny little man even after looking hard for him.

Jade wanted to crush these tiny men. So she kept them in her bra and waited for the perfect opportunity. She removed them and crushed them with her mouth and savoured the sound and taste of them crushing inside her mouth

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